Monday, August 11, 2014


Dad falling off a hydro-bike in Montana.

My birthday celebration at the Solórzano's.

Look what I found in the garbage cans.

One tough dude!

Sweet bus.

Sunrise on my run this morning.


Matching buzz haircuts on P-day.
President Walkenhorst called me this morning and let me know that Grandpa passed away. It is sad, but it is also so full of joy because he and Grandma are together again. The scripture from Romans 8:18, "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." 
Today I was studying on the significance of water in the scriptures and pertaining to spiritual matters. I found many examples. John 4:10 Christ is the living water. Water is what destroyed the wicked in the times of Noah with the flood and in Matthew 8:28-32 Jesus casts the evil spirits into swine who run off a cliff into the ocean and are killed. And many more examples. The Earth is covered mostly by water; our bodies are mostly composed of water. Without water there is no life. Our physical need for water is a reminder of our constant need for Christ, the living water. Without Christ, there is no after life. Just as we needed to be born from a woman to enter into this life, we need to be born of water to enter into the next life, John 3:5. 
We taught the adult Gospel Principles class on Repentance. We talked about sin, repentance and forgiveness. We quoted Rocky in church:) "It's not about how hard you can hit, It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much you can take and keep moving forward, that's how winning is done." In life, we will all get hit and knocked down. Whether by our own mistakes or our weaknesses. But this life is not about the number of times we fall, it's about the number of times we rise up, dust ourselves off and continue on the path to eternal happiness. 
I love very much. Thank you for all your support, encouragement and prayers.

Elder Olson

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