Sunday, February 1, 2015

Teaching in the Lord's Way...

A nice dog who decided to follow us for a day. We knocked on 20 doors without success.

Emailing at the library...matching tie day!

This week was really good. I'm working on focusing on the district and our investigators. I know as I get my priorities straight, the rest will fall in place. My training this past Friday was on who we are and who we can become.
I'm doing well. My ankles are the same. I've been putting on this cream night and morning to help them, but no improvement in the aching and soreness yet. I'm wearing the special shoes and they feel slightly better when I wear them.
I've been thinking a lot on forgiveness. The parable of the unforgiving servant. God has forgiven me and will continue to forgive me for everything I might do, but am I willing to forgive others? No matter what the offense. Will I be required to gave someone forgiveness for a huge wrong? How could I mentally get over it? 
Tomorrow is our zone temple day so we get to all go to the temple as a zone for an endowment session. I'm pretty excited.  
Here is a question I have been thumping over for quite a while and I don't know if there is an answer other than practice, trial and error and experience: How can you correct and reprimand someone yet help them still feel good about themselves and that they know you are doing it out of love? 
I love serving the Lord on my mission. I am meeting amazing people who are enriching my life tremendously.
Elder Olson

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