Monday, October 21, 2013

This was a hard week. I had to go down to OKC on Wednesday for a meeting for all the recently new missionaries. It lasted almost all day. We learned more about effective studying and planning lessons better. I got my bike that day and had a hard time replacing the pedals because I didn't have the right tool. But I rode it to a bike shop in Guthrie the next day and the guy there handed me the right wrench and the pedal came off no problem. This week we didn't have many set appointments, so it was a lot of just riding our bikes around and talking to people and trying to have short visits with less active members. Nobody would talk to us or have any time to listen. That made the days long and exhausting because of the entire bike riding up and down hills. Friday I had my first exchange. I went with our district leader, Elder Peterson, down to Edmond and spent the second half of Friday there and the first half of Saturday with him. It was pretty fun. We got to know each other better and he was asking a lot of deep questions. Most of which just made me feel like I wasn't a good enough missionary. But I know I can always improve.


On Saturday evening, Elder Spafford and I went to visit with some less actives and investigators to invite them to church the next day. It was a miracle! They were all home and they all wanted to visit with us! One of the last people we saw was Leilani and her son. We had bought her son a white shirt and tie so that they could come to church because they don't have very much money to buy nice clothes. We had handed her a Book of Mormon the last time we saw her with The Restoration pamphlet in it. We had invited her to read the Introduction when we had left before. So this time we asked her if she had read it and she said, "Oh yeah I did, and I read up to chapter... 5 of Nephi." Spafford and I were like SWEEEET! She totally understood it all too. We told her that next time we meet with her; we'll tell her about how we got the Book of Mormon. She pulled out the Restoration pamphlet and said, "oh you mean what it talks about in this?”... Our jaws were on the floor. She had read the whole Restoration pamphlet as well and understood it all without us even inviting her to read it! We asked her if there was anything she didn't understand or that we could clarify for her. She replied, "No. I think I got it all. I know the bible pretty good so I understand about the Aaron priesthood being the less priesthood and I know all about Melchezidek." We were so shocked at how much the Lord had prepared her for us.

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