Monday, September 14, 2015
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Monday, August 31, 2015
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Keeping up the service....
Elder Hoffman and I in |
Love from Oklahoma |
Our zone in Norman, OK. I am trying to make the most of the few remaining days I have to dedicate to serving the Lord. I have loved every bit of it. Love, Elder Olson |
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Nearing the finish line...
Beautiful sunset in Norman, Oklahoma |
We had a meeting up in Moore last Tuesday and we were running late.
We were headed to pick up the other elders and ran into construction work. I
pulled into a gas station on the corner and went out the other side of the gas
station so that I could avoid a long detour. A cop pulled me over immediately
and I have a ticket to pay. It's $124 for "improper use of service
I listened to a speech from Elder Maxwell
titled, "But for a Small Moment". It was really good! We are having
our zone temple day this Thursday. Our session is at 12 so we counseled with
our District Leaders and decided to hold a short Devotional beforehand from
10:30-11:30. We'll have a couple talks on drawing personal strength through the
Atonement and being still and trusting in God. Then we'll show the Because of
Him video and listen to someone play the piano for about 10 minutes while we do
some personal reflection; Write a letter to yourself bearing your testimony,
read your Patriarchal Blessing, read the scriptures, write questions to ponder
in the temple... etc. Then we'll have a brief testimony meeting and then
proceed to the temple. I think it will be a great experience for
Staying strong for the last month of my
mission!! I wouldn’t change anything about the last 2 years. I love it!!
Elder Olson
Monday, August 10, 2015
Teaching and Preaching...
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
21st Birthday Week...
This past week was
pretty good. Actually, tonight we have a dinner with the Solorzanos from Ada ! He fed me last year
on my birthday too! He and his family moved into Norman 4th ward and we helped
them move in. He said he wanted to feed us and the other missionaries that
helped. Then he figured out that my birthday was Wednesday so his daughter is
going to make me some Cherry-Cherry again like last year!:) Transfers are also
Wednesday. Elder Tanner, my companion, is going home and I am getting Elder
Butterfield from Stillwater ,
OK . He is super cool! I knew him
when I was in OKC 2nd ward. He was in the Spanish Branch that covered our area.
Lots of changes in the zone this transfer. 11/20 of the missionaries are
changing. 3/11 of those missionaries will be brand new missionaries from the
MTC. and 1/11 of the missionaries is going to be a new District Leader, so we
have to give him training on how to be an effective District Leader. We haven't
been able to do much teaching to investigators this past week. There is a
less-active, part-member family that fed us on Friday evening and we got to
read some of the Book of Mormon with them. We had read from Alma 24, and asked them what are some of
their "weapons of rebellion" that they can bury. We all talked about
it together. It was real good:)
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Happy and Humid....
I am doing good, all is well. Our lessons are
pretty good. We're having a bit of a hard time getting members out with us to
our appointments. Yes, I enjoy being a zone leader. I don't feel too different
than any other missionary really. Just we're really involved with all the other
I've fasted every week I’ve been here so far.
Pretty much 80% of our time is taken up with the administering and ministering
to others. Our numbers are lower than I’ve ever had them. But the ward is
pretty much doing all their missionary work. Even though we're busy most of the
time I think we can do a better job at carving in time in our area. We gave a
good training last Tuesday. It was all about raising the bar, raising our
expectations of ourselves, our companionships, our districts and our areas.
We're teaching a man B. who just moved here from Portland , OR .
He is doing really well. He has amazing understanding, but is a little
reluctant to set the commitment of being baptized.
Another lady is C. She as had a rough past
with many trials. She has been changing and wants to be closer to God. We
taught her the Restoration and all about the Book of Mormon. She loved it and
said the closing prayer for us. Keep them both in your prayers will you?
We had a good day yesterday at church. We
were invited into the Primary to tell how the spirit has helped protect us
during our missions.
We get 1/2 off at Jamba Juice. So we go
usually once a day or once every other day. It's so good!!! :) We run the OU
stadium every morning Monday Thursday. Then play basketball every Friday and
Saturday morning.
For the 4th our ward had a big
breakfast party outside. It was very humid; there was a parade of little kids,
lots of doughnuts and watermelon, kickball with kiddie pools and a slip n slide
to home base and volleyball. Elder Tanner and I played volleyball with some
members and sweat a lot.
Elder Olson
Monday, June 29, 2015
Love one another...
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Last Transfer...Oklahoma University Ward, Norman OK.
I received a call from President Walkenhorst
yesterday. He said he wants me to head to Norman
and be a Zone Leader. Don't know why he'd choose me of all missionaries. But
I’m glad to go. I'll be in the OU college ward there. He said I’ll be there
till I come home. I'm excited to work there and work more closely to President
as a Zone Leader. I headed there last Wednesday. It's going to be hard on OU
game days when I can hear the game no matter where we go in town. We had
another baptism a week ago. Tiara, one of Aaron's daughters was baptized and
confirmed. It feels so much better when we don't perform the baptism but we
have the members baptize and confirm her. The spirit was strong as she came up
out of the water with a smile from ear to ear. I love this work. And work it is
Love you!
Elder Olson
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Transfer Day...some going home others going on to new areas. |
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Br.Kirby, convert, at the OK temple. |
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Styling socks and rising water...
We had a specialized training
meeting yesterday given by our zone leaders and sister training leaders. It was
about being happy and having the desire to get out and find people to teach.
Then the second part of it was all about talking to people and turning the
conversation into the gospel and sharing a restored truth with the person. It
was really good. The missionaries kept bringing up, "I hate how awkward it
is," "that'd be really awkward." and so on. So what if it's
awkward?? Is that awkward feeling seriously keeping us from teaching more
people the gospel? I read a speech by Elder Holland titled, "Cast not out
therefore your confidence" it is really good. It talks about how we will
always face opposition right before something great occurs. I think awkwardness
might be a tool from Satan when he’s trying to get us feel too uncomfortable to
teach and testify. Anyways, I hate awkward moments too ha-ha. But I think
keeping focused on my vision of the investigator or potential investigator,
will help overcome those feelings the best.
We're teaching the quit smoking
workshop today to one of our investigators. We have another lesson with L at 3.
We fixed her lawn mower last week and she gave us a grocery bag full of pecans
from her tree in return. Score!! :)
Things are going well here,
despite the storms. We trust in Helaman 5:12 pretty literally. That we won't
get carried away in the mighty storms, hail and shafts in the whirlwind here in
ha-ha!! We haven’t had to help much. Usually after the rain has stopped for a
couple hours the drains pick up the rest of the water. We have put some sand
bags around downtown area where the flooding was to occur.
Thanks Dad! Always good to laugh
at your funny comments:) I think they're rubbing off on me because I usually
send out a daily scripture in the mornings. Here was one from a couple weeks
ago, "Good morning America !
The daily double-dose of doubt-departing spiritualness is found in this
scripture: Helaman 3:35 Nevertheless they did fast and pray oft,
and did wax stronger and stronger in their humility, and firmer and firmer in
the faith of Christ, unto the filling their souls with joy and consolation,
yea, even to the purifying and the sanctification of their hearts, which
sanctification cometh because of their yielding their hearts unto God.."
Hope you have a great week! Love
you tons!
Monday, April 27, 2015
Monday, April 13, 2015
Livin' in Chickasha, OK
Saying goodbye for now to the Lusk family... |
Paige's baptism |
Holding an Easter chick |
Settling 'n to a small town...
This week has been pretty good. The branch is
so different than a ward. It's pretty much run by 3 families. President
Robertson is Branch president, his wife is Relief Society President, Brother
Shaw is his first councilor and Sister Shaw is primary president, Brother
Gerlach is 2nd councilor and his wife is young women president. There was about
50 people at sacrament, everyone was saying how there was such a large number
of people there. Our chapel is 6 pews long. 4 people pass the sacrament, when
it could actually do with 3. Elder Lyman and I are speaking next Sunday about
the work of salvation or temples or something along those lines. We're teaching
a lot of people and many of them are progressing very well.
My companion is pretty cool. He's from a tiny town in
I love my time here. Thanks for all the love and support.
Elder Olson
Baptism of Anna
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Month in Review...
Here is a little review of the past month:
Feb. 16: Bishop Gillespie and his family fed
us a cool dinner on Valentines Day. We each sat down and had a plate and a
menu. But no silverware, cups or food anywhere. The menu was a 3 course meal.
We got to select 4 things for each course. I don't remember what all the stuff
was but it was all coded. "the devil's tool" was a fork, "a
man's best friend" was some bacon, "pucker up" was grapefruit
juice, "love handles" was cinnamon rolls, "yellow diamonds"
was lemon bars, "cuddling" was the spoon and much more. It was really
fun. We could only have one course at a time. So in my first course I got no
silverware, so I had to eat all my food with my hands. So transfers are this
Wednesday. Elder Quijada and I are the only ones in our district that are
staying the same. So now I'm the district leader of what we call a relief
society district. 3 companionships of sisters, the APs (which we never see) and
the Zone Leaders (which we see every other week at district meeting). I guess
this is what I need so I can learn to love sister missionaries more haha:)
Feb. 23: This past week was good. We got to
have several great lessons with our investigators. We taught the Restoration to
them and they were loving it. We have a new investigator. He even loved Elder's
Quorum which I taught. The Elder's quorum president asked me to rebuke and
chasten the snot out of all of them for never doing their home teaching. I just
used scriptures and what they had to say about home teaching in the lesson. I
think the spirit did most of the rebuking cause "the guilty take the truth
to be hard."
March 2: This past week was kind of rough. We
were grounded to our apartments due to snow/ice weather for 4 days. Then we had
a great zone conference on Thursday, but that took up most of the day. On
Friday I gave a training on the talk, "flooding the earth with the book of
Mormon" by Ezra Taft Benson. It went pretty good.
March 23: Dakoda is coming down here today to
feed us and the sisters dinner. I love seeing him again. He is working on his
papers for his mission. I love that kid!. Elder Quijada and I have been
teaching like crazy and everything is now falling into place just before
transfers which are on April 1st. Myrna Lee is getting baptized this Saturday
the 28th. Paige is getting baptized April 1st in the evening. Anna is getting
baptized April 11th, the Saturday after general conference. And Lance is
getting baptized April 18th, the Saturday after Anna. If I get transferred I
will be making trips back here for almost every Saturday for the next 4 weeks
Today we are going head to head with another
zone of missionaries, the Midwest City
zone. Elder Debenham, my MTC companion, is a district leader in that zone and
he is training Elder Riffenberg, who is from Phoenix .
This week is going to be fun and exciting! As
you can see there are lots of baptisms and miracle happening here!: )I don't
want to leave:(
Love you!:)
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Another Wonderful Week....
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Teaching in the Lord's Way...
A nice dog who decided to follow us for a day. We knocked on 20 doors without success. |
Monday, January 12, 2015
Teachin 'n Preachin
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The OKC 2nd Ward Missionaries |
Elder Quijada and me |
This was my first
week as a District Leader. On Friday we hold training meetings. The
training I gave was on personal revelation through prayer. I had each person
analyze their own personal prayers and talked about the importance of it. This
was kind of like cleaning the inner vessel before the outer kind of deal. I
gave a talk at church on Sunday along with Sister Chugg. She spoke about God
answering prayers and I talked about two of the talks this last General
conference. "Receiving a Testimony of Truth and Light" By President
Uchtdorf and "I Know These Things of Myself" By Elder Christensen.
Paige will be baptized probably the 24th. She is due on the 27th so we'll see
how all that goes.
Anna is progressing. She wants to
read the whole Book of Mormon though before she is baptized and she is not
feeling very worthy. Some people are pretty self critical and we are working on
helping her with that. We are hoping to have her over to the Lusks' this
evening and teach her there.
I am so thankful for the family I
was raised in and the examples of a loving father. That has helped me so much
on my mission.
I love my mission and the people
here. My new companion is Elder Quijada. We get along really well. He is a
great missionary.
Love you!
Monday, January 5, 2015
Happy New Year...
At the Christmas conference I got this photo with all my companions so far on my mission. Awesome! |
My new planner cover. |
Me and the big guy at church Christmas party. |
Elder Winslow taking out all our Christmas package boxes. Thanks for everything. |
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The Bartlett's and me the Sunday before Christmas. |
So transfers are on Wednesday. Elder Winslow
is going to Anadarko, I’m staying in OKC and I got called to be the
District Leader here. I’m in charge of the 14 missionaries here now, I will
give trainings every Friday for district meeting, counsel with the
missionaries, be in charge of exchanges with all the elders in the district and
the Zone Leaders and I don't know what else. Naturally, I feel completely
inadequate for such a calling and responsibility. But I asked Elder Winslow for
a blessing and it helped a lot.
We met a new investigator this week. His name
is William. He is so amazing! He has had a rough past and you can tell by his
looks, but he has completely changed. He got up yesterday and bore his
testimony on his first Fast and Testimony Sunday! We've taught him a couple
times and he is really excited. He wants to be baptized but not sure when
yet. Hopefully Paige will be
baptized on January 10th. Then our other investigator, Anna, has a date for
January 17th. They're both awesome. I'm so glad to be here.
We started going to the gym in the mornings now. It's pretty fun to wake up at 5:30 then exercise. It's a nice way to start the day. I am still getting used to the new shoes. These have lateral support to help keep me from rolling my ankles.
Thanks so much for your love, support and
encouraging words!
Elder Olson
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